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Thursday 20 December 2018

Animal communication eBooks Babshealing

I am offering all my eBooks for free, enjoy!! May they inspire you and show you how wonderful and precious animals really are!! They are worth protecting, they are worth our time and love!!

You can now download my ebooks "Listen Animals Talk" for free here

Listen Animals Talk was my published book I wrote in 2004 as I was asked to write this book about how animals speak to us. It is a story about my life with animals and how much I have learned from them by listening, observing and becoming aware. Animals have always been my teachers, my guides and my best friends. We can learn and experience so much and their love for us is unconditional.

And How to communicate with your pets here

This eBook is an introduction to how to communicate with pets. It is down to earth and easy to follow. Exercises that everyone can do. We all can talk and communicate with pets, give it a go!

Monalisa my soulmate the Leonberger the heartbreak and her teaching and guidance you can download for free here

Bless the miracle cat; His story of survival, and all the healing tools he taught me while he was missing and recovering from an accident. His story you can read here

You can now download the animal communication course 1 for free here; It is a basic course with short videos and pdf files enjoy. The website details are no longer correct that are presented in the course. All info about me you can find here on blogger. You can contact me through the contact form or write your question in the comment box below. Course part 1

Part 2 of how to communicate with pets will give you more information especially if you like to learn to communicate with pets through photos. This course because it is free is no longer a certificate course. But I hope you will enjoy it. For any questions please ask them in the comment box below or contact me through the contact form. Course part 2

Donations are always appreciated

Sunday 23 March 2014

what it takes to become and be an animal intuitive, its not a gift that has fallen from the sky

What it takes to become an animal intuitive, it is not a gift that has fallen from the sky into my lap;

Often people say to me; "Oh you are so lucky to have been given this gift of being a healer and animal intuitive!" Let's put it straight "Luck" has nothing to do with it, it is not a gift that has fallen into my lap, or I have not been born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

To become and be able to communicate with animals and be a healer is a hard journey, it takes courage, discipline and inner strength to walk the path of a dream. Anybody has in him or herself the power to become a healer or animal intuitive, anyone can unleash this "Gift" from within. But not everyone wants to walk this path or has the courage and discipline that it takes.

For me it has been a long journey of healing myself first and to continue to improve myself, to become aware and to be using this awareness with everything I do, it is nothing superficial it is a deep awareness which comes with lots of practising and working on it over an extended period of time. I do many hours early in the morning of meditation and prayer to learn to tune in to learn and become more aware, to see, hear, feel etc. It takes a lot of discipline, and I have gone through many, many challenges.

You're surrounded by people that think this is all garbage. You get looked at sidewise, people are sceptical about it, and this always pulls you down. And often I hear someone saying why don't you get a real job, and you have to pull yourself up again because you believe in this dream. You know it works, and you do have to make a living, and you want to make a living as a healer and animal intuitive, and this is not easy at all.
Walking your dream no matter what your goal may be is not easy. If you have something you really want to do, but it is not your everyday thing, to get it going takes hard work. And people often do not realise this and think it is all about being lucky when you have chosen a career of your dreams and want to make a living of it do not lose faith in yourself and in your vision work hard and never lose sight of this goal of yours. You may fall many times, but you get up again, you may fail many times, but you get up still because of you believe in your dream.

Yes, I am lucky that I have that inner strength to keep getting up and try again. Yes, I am lucky that I have faith in my dream. Yes, I am lucky that I have families and friends who are supporting me with my vision. Yes, I am lucky to have a dream, yes I am lucky, but it sure did not fall into my lap, and it sure is not as easy as it sounds.

And all this work continues even when you are already a healer and animal intuitive, you need faith and prayer to be able to continue on this journey, never letting go of discipline, hard work, and awareness. Walking and making a living of your dream is a continuous journey of working hard on every level. You're on an unstable income, you never know when you can pay your next bill, you never know if you get any more clients, you never know where you at from one day to the next. Yes, I am lucky I can work the hours I want to work, Yes I am lucky I am my own boss, but with this also comes that I have to do many things I do not like, like accounts, taxes etc.

But I do want to live my dream of being the voice for the animals, to write and share my experiences with my books. And I do feel deep inner gratitude to be able to walk this path.

Monday 17 March 2014

For the Sceptic why I know that animals communicate

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a bit sceptical about things or not always believing everything, but if you think that animals do not communicate, or people are not able to communicate with animals, I would like you to open your eyes and ears, and just listen, observe and become aware.
Then answer the following questions for yourself;
What is communication?
You can communicate with body language, with expressions from the eyes, face and gestures. You can interact with vibration, think what you feel when walking into a room where everybody is in a bad mood, you can feel this energy, or when everybody is happy you can also feel this. Often you can feel when someone is not telling the truth, and so on, this is all a form of communication.
Animals do it with their bodies, their eyes and may make noises, but most of us know when a dog or cat is telling us they are hungry, right.
Everyone would be able to understand when a dog wants to go outside, right? Everyone will hear and understand when a cat meows and makes a lot of noise when it has come home with a dead bird, right? Everyone understands when a rooster cries out first thing in the morning when it tells everyone to wake up, right? Everyone understands the noise a hen makes after she has lied an egg, right? This is all communication!!
Now anyone can actually learn to communicate with anything if you learn to still and calm yourself, listening to the subtle noises, observing the subtle movements, eye expression and so on.
Some of us work with these energies all day and because of our passion for understanding the animals more and more.
Every emotion everything that happens leaves an imprint in the energy field that surrounds us. When we become more a tuned with these imprints, we learn to bring them into words and into understanding what the animal or plant is communicating with us.
It is the same about people who close off due to traumatic experiences, the imprint is there, in their aura and for a communicator or intuitive it is possible to read this imprint and understand this.

I only read the imprint or the vibration if someone is genuine asking about it and needs help with their pets or animal for healing purpose just not for fun and game or for trying to prove something. I feel animals and plants are so sacred and precious I do not want to impose on them unless they are happy to allow me to know. I feel the same about humans I will not tune in unless I am asked to.
But my sensitivity will always tell me when there is something up with either the animal or human, but I can ignore it if it is none of my business.
I once in a while get an animal call on me when its owner is stressed and when they both need help.

Animals and pets pick up on our emotions this is how they understand us and the way we communicate. Have you noticed how your dog knows when you are just about ready to take it for a walk? It picks up on your thoughts your behaviour etc. This is communication then it wags its tail and gets all often excited before you have even got the lead.

Watch when animals play together, interact with other species and animals they do all communicate.
All you have to do is open your heart, listen, observe and become aware. Remember there are so many different ways to communicate. Open up all your senses and feel, touch, experience, listen, observe.

Monalisa and Charlie

                                         Look at the expression of the dog what is she saying?

Becci and Bless

And these two, you can understand so much just from these photos, that is why animal intuitive and communicators can work with photos, there is nothing weird about it just look and feel.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

"Listen Animals Talk"

Snippets from my eBook Listen, Animals Talk by Barbara Schaer

Cat mitzi Mitzi

The Chapter of Mitzi my cat; ....Mitzi would not let me go into the garden by myself she always came to supervise.......Mitzi was sitting on my lap purring and smooching, and I was saying to her; "....it would not surprise me if you live for a long, long time." I had no idea what was going to happen that day.............I asked her; "how on earth can I help you?" Mitzi said, "You must hold me in your heart tightly, and then you need to FORGIVE!"..........Mitzi taught me the lesson of forgiveness in her darkest hours.

Emma and Bless Emma and Kitten Bless

Chapter Emma my Mirror my Teacher. .......Emma had a rough start to her life.........I was not ready for another dog. .... Reluctantly and with these uneasy feelings I took the puppy, and we set off home.....
My cats Mitzi, Tuesday and Dexter fell in love with Emma straight away.........She could see deep into my soul....When I had thoughts of finding Emma a new home, she looked at me as if she could read my thoughts and say;"Please Mummy, keep me, I try to be a good girl."........I began to realise that Emma was incredibly wise. .....When we go for walks she watches over me, she remembers the spots where I have tripped, and she will always remind me to be careful of these places. Emma was very special, and all the cats and the other dogs felt this too they loved her!

Other Chapters; Friday the 13th of August;.......The fall lasted a second, but it felt like a lifetime. My life flashed before my eyes. I saw wheelchairs, and I was terrified..........Still now twenty years later my mum and I call each other on any Friday the thirteen and we call it my lucky day!

Chapter Lazarus; ....The energy directed from the Lions towards me became firm and warm and gentle, I was wholly consumed by it......I felt as if I was in an entirely new world........It was the most unique and precious moment in my life. For me, I did not need any further proof that Lazarus had communicated with me...........

 My interview with the Lion Lazarus!

Chapter Gratitude; Having walked a journey with many ups and downs, and knowing that the mission is still continuing, and the ups and downs will always be part of it , I have come to appreciate how every single person and animal that comes into my life, no matter for how long or short, has been precious to me and how the learning that has come from them is so worthwhile.........

Bromley and Teddy at the beach Teddy and Bromley

Waedi my dog Wadi

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Talking with the animals

Talking with the animals, being the voice for the animal

Over the years working as a healer, my clients have often asked me what their animals are thinking and when an answer just popped out of my mouth the client, and I would be surprised. Soon I was called an animal communicator, and my clients would bring their animals to me not just for healing but also a talk.
To me talking with the animals is something I take quite seriously, I do not think I am psychic, but I read the animals expressions, body language and their energies. I have always been sensitive to energies and vibration and pick up moods, anxieties and fears and many more emotions from it, I pick up energy blockages, and this often gives me a good indication what could be a problem for the animal and what would need veterinary investigation.
I believe I am a voice for the animal when it is in need to get a message across to its owner. I do not just do a "so-called reading". I work with animals who need help, who had been through hard times, who have personality issues, who may be sick or who may have owners that need help with their stresses in life. Yes, the animals pick up on the stresses of their owners and often take it on board, and this causes stress for the animals.
So when I am talking with the animals, it helps the pet and the owner and family members, I am honoured to be the voice of the creatures.
One of my most amazing experiences I had when I was allowed to talk to the Lion Lazarus at the Auckland Zoo for the TV3 20/20 program. The experience is hard to put into words. The feeling of that moment and the expression of the eyes of Lion Lazarus is still very much in my heart, and I can again see how Lazarus looks into my eyes, and I can still hear him saying "all will be just fine leave it all up to me."

Talking to the Lion

Lion at the Zoo

The story of  Lazarus is in my eBook "Listen animals Talk".

Listen Animals Talk


Becci and Bless

What people were saying about talking to the animals;

Dear Barbara,

I have meant to put pen to paper for a while now, so here it goes. I wanted to explain how you have enabled partnerships to develop between myself and my horses. You firstly visited my elderly Anglo/Arab mare. She has had an amazing career in eventing, hunting and trekking but was always hard to float. I mentioned this to you on a day you were visiting about another matter altogether and asked if you could help. You went to Maisie, and she went all soft in her eye and didn’t fidget around as was her normal. You told me she had had an accident travelling and said I knew nothing about any accident. A few weeks later in speaking to her first owner, I found out that she had gone through the floor of a moving float. You gave her drops for making travelling easier, they worked. I know they worked because when moving house the drops got packed, and the movers drove away with them. I persevered without the drops and moved her ten kilometres down the road to our new home, the float bouncing all the way with Maisie stomping and kicking. I was so upset when we arrived, and she hurtled out of the float covered in cuts and grazes. We never travel without our drops now.

My gelding, Chess walked all over me when we first met. I regretted buying him and wanted rid of him. I remembered the chat you and Maisie had so I asked you to come and see us. You told me he felt alone, you said he didn’t trust that I was going to stay with him, you told me he was looking for a leader but that I was going to need to prove myself to him as he was used to being the dominator. Yes, I thought, that would explain a lot. He hated leaving other horses becoming agitated the minute he left his paddock. I wasn’t planning to stick around for him, and I was so darn scared of him I was not any kind of leader. Two years later and a heap of hard work on both our parts we are riding out as partners on a long rein with no fighting or life-threatening bucks, happy horse and even happier rider. He is definitely not for sale.

Barbara these are but two of many examples of how you have helped us. I listen now, and it’s amazing what you can hear. They tolerate my humanness, and it's incredible what they will put up with, we are friends and partners with a fun future ahead, thank you, Barbara
Jackie Mc Killen

From Cat Sammie;

Sammie’s story; November 2004

I was a very sick pussycat when Barbara first saw me. My mother had taken me to vets many times, and the medicine plus my general health just made me feel Yuk.

On the day when my mum was really worried about me, she heard about a lady called Barbara who could talk to animals. My mum got on the phone and made an appointment straight away.

Well at long last I had someone who could understand me as an individual who could ask me how I felt and who talked to me and not just my mum. It has been a slow but sure road back to health. Because of my age, I must be careful to pace myself and follow my diet strictly.

I feel so much better now I am chasing the leaves that blow in the wind, challenging the stray ‘Willy’ who comes for a meal. But mostly I sleep on the mat in the sun. My life is certainly a ball since Barbara came into my life.

Occasionally I throw a wiggly just to ride in the car to get to see Barbara and to catch up on the latest gossip.

Thank you, Barbara, for all your excellent help, advice and medicine.

Sammie and my mum.

Becci and Ebony

Bobby, Tiffany and Bless

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Observe the interaction between the animals and people

When learning to communicate with animals observe the animals when they are interacting with each other. You can learn a lot about the animals by just watching them, see how they behave around each other, see how they play with each other see how they enjoy each others company or if they start to misbehave or even fight. Which animal is the dominant, which one the submissive one? What else can you observe?

Observe how your pet is interacting with visitors, watch them how they approach strangers etc.

Observe if different animals can get along with each other. From their behaviour, we can learn so much.
From observing all the animals around us we can learn to understand them and if we are open enough, to learn about ourselves.

Bless and Charlie

Bless the miracle cat and Charlie the rescued Lorikeet eating together

Charlie and Chico

 Charlie and Chico

I have found that animals also are very good at telling us what the weather will be like the next day. Especially my Lorikeets are good at telling me what the weather will be like, if it is going to be cold they seem to eat double the amount than usual, if they do a lot of screaming and arguing it will be a windy day and so on. The problem is, one gets too busy to observe and take notice of what one observes and so often misses what the animal is telling us. 

How are your pets toward you? How are they behaving when you are around? I noticed that one of my dogs get very nervous when I am in a bad frame of mind, she gets hyperactive and confused, this shows her personality and often if I see it and observe if I can make changes in my day to be in a better frame of mind. My other dog gets very quiet and looks depressed so she is telling me to change and be happy so she can feel better too.
So often, when we observe our pets we can learn from them. We can see how they interact with each other and so often I feel if only humans would take note of it. Animals do not judge and do not worry what you look like or how much money you have in the pocket, they love you anyway. 

One of my cats had been caught by a car and had damaged his front leg his paw is paralysed and he had his jaw broken in many places. He has recovered really well and he is my miracle cat, here in the neighbourhood all the other cats love him and allow him to come on their property, they all respect him, they do not judge him.
So take note of what you observe, become aware of what you see. Don't be too busy to notice what your animal is telling you as you may be able to learn something from them. Slow down, take a deep breath and just stop for a moment and watch your animal.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Listen Observe and become Aware

Listen, observe and become aware is a must when you want to be able to understand your pet or animal you come across, or if you want to understand nature or everyday people and situations.
Observe, do it with your eyes, ears, nose, and your heart, feel, sense, and listen, then become aware of what you see, hear, smell, sense, feel, listen to your heart.

When I communicate with an animal, I always the first tune into my heart centre, I go deep within me feeling my own heart, then I bring the pet into my heart and connect with it on a heart level. I feel the heartbeat of the animal, it is as if we become one.
Through this connection, I start to understand the language of the animal. I feel what it feels I smell what it smells, I hear what it hears, and I know the animal.

As I have been working on myself for many, many years now I have become aware what is my own stuff, e.g. my emotions or my feelings about a situation that the animal is in, this helps me to disconnect from my own emotions and feel what is going on in the animal.
I find it so incredibly hard to do with my own animals as to disconnect my emotions from them is very difficult.

The listening, observing and awareness about the animal has to be free of your own emotional feelings, judgements and prejudice.
This is why I work from my heart centre, it helps me to detach and feel safe. When I go into my heart I feel safe, I feel connected to the animal I am working with, no outside influences or distractions.

Animals are pure, their communication is straight to the point and simple. They are devoted to their owner so if the owner is a very closed person, not prepared to learn from the animal the animal will not communicate. It will close off. Pets are great teachers if we only would listen if we just would have the courage to acknowledge the teachings of our animals, from nature. Then our animals will guide us, teach us and communicate with us. We need to open our hearts and let them in, let them guide us let them show us.

Awareness is the key, become aware of everything that is around you, yourself this requires you to live in the moment, to see, hear, smell, feel and understand. Move from your headspace or mind into your heart. When communicating with animals or nature, healing comes about if you allow the awareness to be in your life, the healing comes to you and to the animals when you are able to connect on that deep level. The same goes for when you communicate with people, listening to the radio or watching TV, observe, listen and become aware, you will learn to see yourself. Observe what you feel think and how you react!! Listen Observe and become Aware.

Becci Ebony and Bless
                                         Ebony, Becci and Bless we are family!